Dr. Horrible crushes the Internet in his mighty gloved fist
July 16th, 2008

Dr. Horrible crushes the Internet in his mighty gloved fist

Apparently Dr. Horrible’s evil plan to join the Evil League of Evil involved crashing the frickin’ Internet. The first of the three-act super villain musical by Joss Whedon and half his family was posted at drhorrible.com just after midnight on Tuesday morning and they were getting hit by over 200,000 visits per hour before their server caved. Not only did it take several hours to move Dr. Horrible to a new monster server, but people looking for more information also crashed Whedonesque.com with over 5 times the maximum traffic their host allows, so they’re migrating now as well. On the plus side, drhorrible.com is back up now and, if you’re the “pay the artists” type, you can buy the 1st act or the entire season at iTunes.

One of the guys here, C. A. Bridges, got to speak to Joss – lucky bastard – and he wrote an article about it here (audio included). Or you can read the transcript here.

In other news, an outrage is being committed. Producers of the reality series “The Mole” have started a save-our-show site, SavetheMole.com, with an open letter begging fans to help them out. Excuse me, isn’t that the fans’ job? This kind of corporate-led fan movement just co-opts our pure grass-roots process. Who’s going to take us seriously now? Seriously, if the fans didn’t care enough to do it themselves, well… maybe it’s time to let it go. Man up, Mole people.


  1. john darc

    the true irony here is that shows that the fans want to save get those sorts of pages. When a corp. or a channel does it for its own show, that means the fans don’t care enough about it to save it. Which means we all don’t mind it dying.

    Anyway, truly this internet crash was Bad Horse’s doing.

  2. john darc

    wow, I totally missed a paragraph/line. You already said what I just said, making me look like an arse.

    Oops. Carry on.

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