Lists, a Doctor Who primer, and Denvention
Hello world!
Some quick hits for you before I head off to WorldCon in Denver. (Hugo Awards! Lois McMaster Bujold! Robert Heinlein, sort of!) listed the top ten “Brilliant But Canceled” scifi shows. The usual suspects are there (and yay for the SDCC Browncoat booth shoutout) but there are also a few I’d forgotten.
What’s on Dr. Horrible’s bookshelf? LibraryThingers figured it out.
PC Mag listed the Ten Best Unsung Webcomics. I remember “Don’t Forget to Validate Your Parking” from the writers’ strike, and I love me some “Girls With Slingshots,” but now A Softer World is my new favorite weird strip. They missed Anders Loves Maria, though. And where’s SaveHiatus, PC Mag? Hmm?
Actually, no, I lie. My new favorite bizarre webcomic is “Medium-Large,” by the guy who does “Sally Forth.” Turns out he’s a sick, sick man. Love the Peanuts archive.
The new edition of Dark Horse Presents has a free Serenity story. Which, yay for that, but… is Serenity shooting other ships? With what? I’m confused.
And io9 explains How to Discover Classic Doctor Who in Three Easy Steps.
August 7th, 2008 at 1:49 pm
I love “Don’t Forget To Validate Your Parking”! It’s funny and subversive.
August 8th, 2008 at 1:56 pm
That’s what it looked like, yes. Somehow, Mal knew River was psychic, and Serenity suddenly has air guns.
I mean, I guess it had a gun in the Pilot, but still. It was sort of jarring. Just like “Better Days” and the scene with the hold up, where someone shoots a beam of light at something, and I can’t tell what is going on.