One of us, dammit

One of us, dammit

We’re back! And, much like the economy, we’ve downsized.

While we had a great deal of fun whomping up the larger strips — Adam had a lot more room to play and still fit in all the words I insisted had to be there, somewhere, in some sort of order — they were also incredibly time-consuming to create at the level of quality we both wanted. And other, paying projects crept in, and there was those non-paying family members who kept hanging around… we had to step back and rethink the strip. We both wanted to continue, no question about that, but it would have to change for that to happen.

Hence, the smaller, non-color strip. But, good news: the format change saves us enough time so that we can start publishing three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) instead of two, which is something we wanted to do from the beginning.

If you’re just joining us – and hey! Hi! — you can catch up with the older strips here, or you can download them as a cbr file (Use CDisplay or these other cbr programs to read it). And we look forward to obsessing with you for years to come!

(Seriously, how old is the new Doctor, like, twelve? Who’s going to be his Companion, Winnie the Pooh? But I digress.)


  1. Shawn

    It’s like welcoming back an old friend. Thanks guys, been looking forward to the return.

  2. Adam

    Thanks, Shawn! That’s how it is for us, too!

  3. ZiggyNJ

    Glad to have you back!

  4. Adam

    Thanks Ziggy! Glad to be back!

  5. Chris

    Just added a link to the massive cbr I just uploaded, with all of the 2008 strips in it. Woot!

  6. Dani

    Welcome back, guys!

  7. Adam

    Thanks, Dani!

  8. Joel

    Welcome back guys!

  9. Adam

    Thanks, Joel! This afternoon Chris suggested we scrap today’s strip and go with a Doctor Who reference today instead. It’s a good thing he’s 3,000 miles away, or he’d wind up looking like Josh in YOUR strip today! :D

  10. Lioness

    So good to see everyone back.

  11. earthgirl

    AH! I can breathe again; Save Hiatus is back! Life is good again!

    And Chris’ comments about the new companion being Winnie the Pooh- hi-larious! Didn’t need a full strip- that one liner made my Monday :)

  12. klinqueen

    YAAAAAYYY!!! You’re back! Add one more daily site to procrastinate with to the list!

  13. Eujean2

    Hooray! I loves me some Save Hiatus.

  14. korkster

    Yes! Hiatus is back! Thanks for the smile! :)

  15. Sami Holloway

    I’m a little late, but yay from me also!

    And I know I’m Officially Old now because the Doctor is younger than me.


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