This makes me unreasonably happy
June 24th, 2008

This makes me unreasonably happy

This isn’t really Hiatus-related, but I had to share it. I just discovered the artwork of Eric Tan, who does some absolutely stunning retro artwork for Pixar. He recently finished some ridiculously cool WALL-E posters, which make me giddy both because of the art and because I’m so excited to see WALL-E.

Here are just a couple examples (there are more on his blog):

His art represents the kind of work I only dream of being able to do, but I’ve suddenly become very inspired to do some more poster work. Hopefully I can keep that inspiration long enough to actually make something tangible out of it.

The Art of Eric Tan [via]


  1. klinqueen

    Ummm….I think you’re pretty much there already, dude. I mean, the “How to Recognize a Cylon”, the Travel Posters, and everything else you’ve done rock. You’ve got a great style already!

  2. NYPinTA

    Ditto what klinqueen said.

    And Wall-E is on my To Do list this weekend. That and laundry. Guess which one I’m looking forward too more. ;)

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